
Madhumita Chakraborty

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PhD Scholars

Research/thesis Topic:

Regional-Scale Hydrostratigraphy, Groundwater Chemistry And Arsenic Contamination across the Transboundary Ganges River Delta Aquifer System, India and Bangladesh.
I am a scholar of Geohydrology with deep interest in exploring the hydrogeolgical systems of the active delta systems. My doctoral research focusses on understanding the transboundary Gangetic Delta Aquifer system in India Bangladesh, which is one of the highly exploited aquifer systems of the world and serves as a major freshwater reserve for both the countries sharing the resource. Yet, this aquifer system proves to be among the highest arsenic-contaminated aquifer systems of the world, risking millions of people to severe health effects of arsenic poisoning. Presently, my study ranges from modelling the hydrostratigraphic architecture of the Gangetic Delta Aquifer system to characterizing the groundwater chemistry and arsenic contamination scenario within the aquifers. Conceivably, this work will feed to the framing of successful transboundary aquifer management policies and arsenic mitigation measures for the Gangetic Delta Aquifer system.

Present Affiliation: Senior Research Scholar

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Phone: (+91)9733933173


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