
Kousik Das

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PhD Scholars

PhD Research/thesis Topic:

Surface water-groundwater interaction on climatically vulnerable coastal aquifers of Sundarbans
I am currently working as a senior research fellow at the School of Environmental Science and Engineering, IIT Kharagpur. I have completed my B.Sc. and M.Sc. from the University of Burdwan in Environmental science and M.Tech. in Geoinformatics from IIEST Shibpur. I got the first position and awarded the institute silver medal for being a topper at M.Tech. My current doctoral research topic is the delineation of hydraulic connection between multi-depth coastal aquifers and seawater, solute exchange between groundwater and seawater, and hydraulic response of groundwater multiple extreme climate events of Sundarbans, West Bengal. My research involves field and laboratory work, and is typically integrated with modeling. I am presently working on the stable isotopes of water (δ 18 O and δD) and radiogenic isotopes ( 87/86 Sr) to understand the environmental controls on the surface water- groundwater interaction process of coastal aquifers on the various spatio-temporal scale. The control of short-term hydroclimatic variability on seawater's nearshore hydraulic connection with the groundwater is also delineated.

Present Affiliation:
Senior research fellow
School of Environmental Science and Engineering
IIT Kharagpur

Contact info:
Phone: 9748418579
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